
Make friends, be active and learn about beach safety

Nippers is a great way for children to make friends, be active and enjoy the beach in a safe environment.  Nippers is a national program designed for 7 -13 year olds (as at 1 October) and is structured to gradually teach kids surf awareness and basic lifesaving skills required to be safe around water.  

After participating in the program, children will have an awareness of beach hazards such as waves and rips and also have a basic knowledge of resuscitation and first aid.

We strongly encourage all parents of children with limited swimming ability to enrol them in swimming lessons first.  All children will need to complete a swim assessment as part of the first Nippers lesson each season.

We offer about 200 Nipper places each summer and each year they book out quickly. We are only able to offer the nippers program with the assistance of many volunteers. Parental/Guardian help is essential to ensure that the program continues and remains affordable to families.  If you would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. 

For further information on the Nippers program contact the Junior Association Director at  

Nippers age groups and swim assessment requirements

Refer to the table below for age groups and swim assessment requirements for your nipper based on their birth date.  Requests for nippers to join different groups will not be considered.

Nippers age group date of birth list
Age group swim requirements list for nippers participation

Nippers Registration

To participate in Apollo Bay Nippers members (guardians/parents) must be current members of the Apollo Bay SLSC (memberships due annually on 1 July) and must have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC).  As a volunteer obtaining your WWCC is free of charge. You MUST list the Apollo Bay SLSC and Life Saving Victoria as your volunteer organisations:  ‘Apollo Bay Surf Lifesaving Club’, PO Box 11 Apollo Bay 3233 Phone: 5237 6765 and Life Saving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne VIC 3207, Phone: 03 9676 6900.  Visit to apply, renew or update your details. To view Life Saving Victoria’s policy on safeguarding children and young people visit Safeguarding Children and Young People | Life Saving Victoria (

  1. Provide a screen shot or photo from the WCCC site evidencing that you are connected to LSV and ABSLSC by emailing
  2. Register your  nipper(s) by completing the registration form, noting that a seperate registration form is required for each nipper.

Further information on membership fees, how to join/renew and  WWCC can be found on the Membership page.  If you are having difficulty registering please contact  Note: Membership will not be accepted without a copy of your current WWCC.

Nippers Handbook

This linked handbook contains detailed information about this summers nippers program.

Cover page of the ABSLSC Nippers Handbook

Kit Collection

Note: Nippers registrations are not able to be processed on Collection Day.

Nippers lessons timetable

Nippers session dates/times according to age group

Nippers fundraisers – annual door knock & carnival night

Our annual door knock fundraising drive is held during the nippers program, date will finalised closer to the time.  Participating nippers to wear their nippers tops and wide brimmed hats.  Collection tins & collection maps available from the club rooms at 4pm and will need to be returned by 6pm at the latest.

Carnival night will be scheduled closer to the time and wristbands for this event will be able to be purchased online.

2024/25 Age group managers & assistants

Under 8

Tim De Young
Simon Paterson
Tom Norton

Under 9

Kent Begely
Beth Allison
Penny Heard
Isabelle Pini

Under 10

Mark Oxnam
Zara Oxnam
Olivia Connelly
Chris Enkelmann

Under 11

Mathilde Tobin
Lily Dolan
Liam Flanders
Hugo Della Bosca

Under 12

Tina De Young
Simon De Young
Meghan Geier

Under 13

Caroline Kaskani
Madeleine Forbes
Kristi De Young
Brett Forbes

Club parking restrictions

In the interest of pedestrian safety and the need for additional outdoor space parking restrictions will be in place for the duration of the nippers program.

Marked up aerial map showing authorised access areas of Apollo Bay Surf Lifesaving Club